Today marks the start of Children’s Mental Health Week

Latest News Today marks the start of Children’s Mental Health Week
  It is imperative that children are encouraged and supported to look after their mental health, not just for this week but every single day.  
Here are 5 tips for how you can improve your children and pupils’ wellbeing
  Step 1. “Teach them to be themselves” -Helping children to realise their strengths is a great way to build their confidence. Encourage children to notice and appreciate their own strengths, and those of others too.
  Step 2: “Be grateful”-Help children to bring attention to what’s working well in their life by developing gratitude skills. To develop these skills, you can use techniques such as starting a gratitude journal or have a gratitude list discussion at breakfast/dinner.
  Step 3: “Help them be more mindful”-A way in which we can help our children develop these skills is drawing for 10 minutes. Simpy set a timer for 15 minutes and ask your child to draw something they can see.This activity isn’t about what the child decides to draw, it’s about whether they are able to focus on the activity and bring their attention back if they get distracted.
  Step 4: “Be kind” -There are thousands of ways children and adults can show kindness every day, it can be fun to sometimes turn these small acts into every day ritiuals.
  Step 5: “Teach them the importance of resilience” -One way to build resilience in children is to help them develop a growth mindset. Children with a strong mindset are more likely to try again when they fail, and also to attempt to learn how they can improve.

Important School Dates

View all our important school dates for holidays, exams and more
  • Student School Day
    January 14, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 15, 2025
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    January 16, 2025
  • Departmental
    January 16, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 17, 2025
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FAO Primary 7 Parents

Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631

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