Open Night Success

Latest News Open Night Success

St. Louise’s College is celebrating the success of its annual Open Night, hosted on Thursday 9th January, 2020.  This was particularly unique as it was the first Open Night for St Louise’s as a Co-Educational College.  The college extended a warm welcome to parents and primary 6 and 7 pupils from various schools across Belfast, as well as the Lisburn, Crumlin and Glenavy areas.  Post-sixteen students considering transferring from other schools were also in attendance.

In her impassioned address to the parents and pupils, Principal Mary McHenry stated, “We welcome and achieve excellence for all young people in a truly inclusive community which does not have walls, real or imagined, between children with different talents and gifts. I stress that we are all ability-that means that we provide quality and achieve excellence for all children, girls and boys.  We do not select or reject children based on inaccurate measures of intelligence”.

Expertly led by current St. Louise’s students, primary 7 pupils and parents were taken on a tour of the school, where they had the opportunity to experience the vibrancy of the college.  Spectacular science experiments, dynamic dance displays, mathematical quizzes, cookery and enthralling drama and music performances, were just some of the activities enjoyed by the pupils, as the college displayed the broad range of academic and vocational courses offered within the Entitlement Framework.

The warm and dynamic rapport between the staff and pupils of St. Louise’s and the excellent standard of teaching and learning was palpable, making it clear to see why this is one of the top-performing schools in Northern Ireland.

We welcome prospective pupils, boys and girls, from primary 7 and post-sixteen.  If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the college on 028 90325631.[templatera id=”43″]

Important School Dates

View all our important school dates for holidays, exams and more
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 17, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 18, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 19, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 20, 2025
  • Departmental Meeting
    February 20, 2025
St. Louise’s is a nurturing and inclusive centre of excellence, which empowers each student to achieve their aspirations and fulfil their potential, within a Catholic, Vincentian, Comprehensive ethos

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FAO Primary 7 Parents

Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631

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468 Falls Road,
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028 9032 5631

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