FAO Primary 7 Parents
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631
The NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) is seeking new members for her NICCY Youth Panel. This is a group of young people who advise the Commissioner on key issues and assist her in the work of safeguarding and promoting the rights and best interests of children and young people.
It is really important that we hear from young people with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.
The panel are involved in a range of key functions within the organisation including involvement in projects; recruiting staff; media engagement; designing the website and publications and hosting conferences and presentations. Additionally, the youth panel members also have the opportunity to meet directly with government Ministers and officials, enabling them to challenge key decision makers and ensure their voice is heard. Panel members receive training and support to enable this to happen.
We are in the process of recruiting new members across Northern Ireland. Young people need to live in Northern Ireland and be aged between 12- 17 years (up to 18 if they have a disability or have experienced living in care).
The recruitment and selection sessions will be via a Zoom session on one of these dates in February 2021, morning or afternoon – further details will follow:
Tuesday 16th February
Wednesday 17th February
Thursday 18th February
Morning sessions: 10am-12pm
Afternoon sessions: 2-4pm
For additional information and an online form for the NICCY Youth Panel, go to NYP Recruitment on the NICCY website. www.niccy.org/JoinTheYouthPanel
The closing date for applications is Friday 29th January 2021.
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631