FAO Primary 7 Parents
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631
Exciting literacy news for Key Stage 3 Students – Launching Thursday 7th May:
‘Hello students. How well do you use punctuation? You will be set a punctuation challenge every month to help you develop your punctuation powers. You can access the challenge through your year group’s English Google Classroom. The programme will focus on a different piece of punctuation each month and you will have a YouTube video and information page to help. Once you have studied the notes and video, you will take a quiz on Google Classroom. Your result will be revealed immediately for both you and your English teachers to see. Good luck!’
Click on the link below for more information.
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631