FAO Primary 7 Parents
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631
A BTEC in Travel and Tourism is designed to give students the opportunity to gain a realistic idea of what a career in the Travel and Tourism sector can offer. However, it is not just about gaining skills that can only be used in this sector. The course will give students the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment in several industries such as travel and tourism, hospitality, events and business. The qualification will offer opportunities for progression to higher education and degree programmes within the same or related areas of studies as well as opportunities for full-time employment in the industry.
"The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself”
Wallace StevensThe UK Travel and Tourism Sector (external examination – 1 hour 15 minutes)
UK Travel and Tourism Destinations
The Travel and Tourism Customer Experience
International Travel and Tourism Destinations
For the Travel and Tourism First Award there will be one externally marked exam worth 25% and three other units which are internally assessed
The Travel and Tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and in particular in Ireland. This course gives students knowledge, understanding and skills to work in the tourism industry. You will take part in group discussions, use your ICT skills to research, use case studies and present presentations.
Qualification Value: 1 A-Level
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631