Social Sciences

Curriculum Departments Social Sciences

Department Motto

The Social Science Department strives to develop warm, supportive relationships and enhance our students’ opportunities for success. We aim to encourage their awareness, critical thinking, and a lifelong interest in political, economic and social issues.   

Our staff

  • Stewart (HOD, Sociology)
  • Kavanagh (Politics)
  • McKee (Economics)
  • Thompson (Sociology)
  • McAuley (Sociology)

Overview of KS4 Curriculum

KS4: In St. Louise’s we offer two GCSE at KS4 GCSE level.

GCSE SOCIOLOGY- (WJEC) - Sociology is a subject designed to foster in learners an understanding and critical awareness of the social world around them.               It is a two-year programme that is exam based with no controlled assessment. Students will study topics such as Culture, Family, Crime and Deviance and Social Inequality.

GCSE POLITICS (CCEA) - Politics is a subject designed to enhances students’ understanding of political issues and the impact of politics on our everyday lives.  It is a two- year programme that is exam based with no controlled assessment. Students will study topics such as Decision Making in a Democracy, The European Union and Conflict Resolution in Practice.   

Overview of Post 16 Curriculum

A LEVEL SOCIOLOGY (WJEC)- This is a two-year course of study consisting of AS and A2 external exams. There is no controlled assessment. Sociology is the study of society, which includes the study of families, the education system, social inequality within society, and the impact of crime and deviance. It examines the role of social, economic, political, and cultural forces in shaping the lives of individuals and society.

A LEVEL POLITICS- (CCEA) This is a two-year course of study consisting of AS and A2 external exams. There is no controlled assessment.  Politics involves the study of power in society, how we are ruled and who rules us. A level Politics will examine different governmental systems, political UK parties, how elections work, ideologies that influence government decisions as well as the study of American politics.

A LEVEL ECONOMICS-(CCEA) This is a two-year course of study consisting of AS and A2 external exams. There is no controlled assessment. Economics is a study of how society earns money and how they spend that money.  Through the study of A Level Economics there is the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the economic issues and debates that impact our society. This course will study the National Economy as well as the Global Economy and the operation of the Markets and Market Failure. 

Important School Dates

View all our important school dates for holidays, exams and more
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 17, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 18, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 19, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 20, 2025
  • Departmental Meeting
    February 20, 2025
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FAO Primary 7 Parents

Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631

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