FAO Primary 7 Parents
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631
The Maths department is a fully inclusive community. We are extremely positive in our outlook and desire to instil that positivity in our students and empower them mathematically. Our mission is to develop in young people, active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and enjoyment of maths, compassion for others, the determination to persevere when encountering challenges and the courage to act on their beliefs. 123
“Even the hardest puzzles have a solution.”
The curriculum at KS3 is based on the principles of Maths Mastery. Teaching involves use of practical materials, mini-whiteboards, including for visual representations, and a great deal of oracy. The content is very extensive and based upon the 4 key strands of Number (includes lessons on Place value, Four rules of number, fractions, Percentages, Order of Operations, Factors, Multiples and prime Numbers, HCF, LCM), Algebra (including lessons on Algebraic Conventions, Solving Equations, Quadratic expressions and equations), Shape and Space(including lessons on Area, Perimeter, Volume, Metric Conversions, Composite Measures, Circles, Pythagoras and transformations) and Data Handling (including lessons on Averages, sampling and Questionnaires and data Representations)
GCSE Maths is a two-year course which covers five Attainment Targets:
The course is comprised of two papers which are sat in Year 11 and Year 12 and contain elements of all 5 attainment targets as outlined above.
Further Mathematics is a two-year course covering three main areas - Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Statistics.
The course is suitable only for those students who have achieved top marks in their Key Stage 3 tests and who intend to study A-Level Mathematics.
It would also be of great benefit to students who intend to study subjects like Physics or Geography at A-Level.
The examination consists of three written papers with grades A* - E available.
Unit 1 Pure Mathematics 50% of overall mark
Unit 2 Mechanics 25% of overall mark
Unit 3 Statistics 25% of overall mark
A Scientific Calculator is allowed in ALL papers
There is no coursework component for this course
IN YEAR 13 the following Modules will be studied at AS Level:
AS1 Pure Maths (24%) - Algebra and Functions, Co-ordinate Geometry, Sequences, Trigonometry, Logs and Exponentials, Differentiation, Integration, Vectors
AS2 Applied Maths (16%) - Kinematics, Forces and Newton’s Law, Statistical Distributions, Statistical Testing, Probability, Sampling
IN YEAR 14 the following Modules will be studied at A2 Level:
A21 Pure Maths (36%) - Algebra and Functions, Co-ordinate Geometry, Sequences, Trigonometry, Differentiation, Integration, Numerical Methods
A22 Applied Maths (24%) - Kinematics, Moments, Impulse, Statistical Distributions, Statistical Testing, Probability
Mathematics is a general key subject that can be combined with almost anything, either in Higher Education or the world of work.
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631