FAO Primary 7 Parents
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631
The LLW Department strives to ensure that all students achieve their potential so that they go on to become active citizens aware of the importance of Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in today’s society
In Years 8,9 and 10 pupils study all 3 areas in Learning for Life and Work.
In Employability Pupils have the opportunity to explore work in the Local and Global economy allowing young people opportunities to investigate the impact of the global market in N Ireland and to reflect on the implications for their personal career planning
Exploring Career management provides opportunities for young people to investigate the changing concept of career, moving away from the idea of a job for life to the expectation that individuals will experience several career changes, and this will involve lifelong learning, updating knowledge and skills, self-marketing and effective career planning
Exploring enterprise and Entrepreneurship provides opportunities for young people to investigate the need for creativity and enterprise, whether as an employee or an employer and to identify and practise some of the skills and develop the attributes associated with being enterprising
In Local and Global Citizenship through exploring Diversity and Inclusion pupils are provided with the opportunities to consider the extent of diversity in societies locally and globally and to identify the challenges and opportunities which diversity and inclusion present in local, national, and global contexts
Through exploring Human Rights and Social Responsibility pupils are provided with opportunities to investigate why it is important to uphold human rights standards in modern democratic societies, including meeting basic needs, protecting individuals and groups of people. They are also given the opportunity to investigate key human rights principles eg) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Pupils are also given the opportunity to investigate why different rights must be limited or balanced in our society and investigate local and global scenarios where Huan Rights have been seriously infringed.
Pupils will also explore Equality and Social Justice, to understand that society needs to safeguard individual and collective rights and ensure that everyone is treated fairly
Finally in Local and Global Citizenship exploring Democracy and Active participation provides opportunities for young people to understand how to participate in and to influence democratic processes and be aware of some key democratic institutions and their role in promoting inclusion, justice, and democracy
In Personal Development pupils explore Self Awareness. This provides opportunities to consider the importance of self confidence and self esteem to physical and emotional health throughout life.
Exploring Personal Health provides opportunities to understand the importance of recognising and managing factors that may influence physical and emotional health throughout life
Exploring relationships provides opportunities to understand the importance of forming and maintaining relationships to physical and emotional health throughout life
Again at GCSE pupils study all 3 areas of Learning for Life and work. In Year 11 they do two of the exam modules
In Personal Development pupils study Personal health and well being, Emotions and reactions to life experiences, Relationships and Sexuality, Personal Safety and well being, Responsible parenting and making informed financial decisions
In Employability pupils examine the impact of Globalisation on employment. They study preparing for Employment: recruitment and selection, the Rights and responsibilities of employees and employers. They also examine the Social Responsibility of businesses, Exploring self- employment and Personal Career Management
In January to December pupils complete the Controlled Assessment in LLW. We are still awaiting the titles for 2024.
In the Citizenship module they study Diversity and Inclusion; challenges and Opportunities, Rights and Responsibilities with regard to Local and Global issues, Government and Civil Society with regard to social equality and human rights, Democratic institutions: promoting inclusion justice and democracy, Democracy and active participation and the role of the NGOs
Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631