Art & Design

Curriculum Departments Art & Design

Department Motto

The primary mission of the Art and Design Department is to provide each student with a strong foundation in the techniques and processes of producing visual art. Our mission is to allow each student to incorporate new technologies into the process of creating visual images and to offer every student a rich, enjoyable art education that has breadth, depth, relevance, continuity and coherence.

Our staff

  • Mairead Robb – Head of Department
  • Conor Doris
  • Sarah Cullen
  • Mellissa Smith
  • Seamas Olabhradha

Overview of KS3 Curriculum

Art and Design activities enable students to:

  • Observe and interpret their visual environment;
  • Visually express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and personal responses;
  • Explore and develop imagination and ideas;
  • Solve problems and create solutions, designs and products;
  • Use art and design vocabulary to critically analyse and evaluate art and design works;
  • Understand shape and space in two and three dimensions; and
  • Explore and use a range of techniques and materials, developing practical skills and dexterity

Overview of KS4 Curriculum

The CCEA GCE Art and Design specification develops in-depth knowledge and understanding of art and design through research and practical activities, intellectual capabilities, and independent approaches to learning.

This specification is available at two levels: AS and A2. Students can take the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification.

In the AS units, students develop their creative process in response to a theme. Students who continue to A2 undertake a more focused investigation based on a given theme that takes the form of both written and practical investigations.

The specification has four units:

Unit AS 1: Experimental Portfolio - 20% of A Level

Unit AS 2: Personal Response - 20% of A Level

Unit A2 1: Personal and Critical Investigation - 30% of A Level

Unit A2 2: Thematic Outcome - 30% of A Level

Overview of Post 16 Curriculum

The CCEA GCSE Art and Design specification develops students’ understanding of how meanings, ideas and intentions can be communicated through visual and tactile language. Students learn how to use different media and technologies to realise their intentions. They develop their understanding of the creative and cultural industries and refine their work through experimentation.

This specification places an emphasis on drawing, and on understanding and applying the design process. It encourages students to engage with the creative and cultural industries, and offers a broad and flexible content, allowing students to pursue a range of creative pathways.

The specification has two components:

Component 1: 60% of GCSE

Part A: Exploratory Portfolio

Part B: Understanding the Creative and Cultural Industries

Component 2: 40% of GCSE

Externally Set Assignment

Important School Dates

View all our important school dates for holidays, exams and more
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 17, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 18, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 19, 2025
  • Orchestral Concert
    February 20, 2025
  • Departmental Meeting
    February 20, 2025
St. Louise’s is a nurturing and inclusive centre of excellence, which empowers each student to achieve their aspirations and fulfil their potential, within a Catholic, Vincentian, Comprehensive ethos

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FAO Primary 7 Parents

Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631

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