Principal’s Address

About us Principal’s Address

As the principal of this outstanding school, it is with a great sense of pride that I present an insight into the life of our vibrant, successful learning community. Our vibrant, successful community can be seen in many forms through our new, up-to-date website which reflects all aspects of school life within and beyond the classroom. It encapsulates the vitality, the diversity, the excitement, the sense of fun, the sense of belonging and most of all the great sense of spirit that burns brightly in our students and staff.

Please take time to see what we achieve on a daily basis in St Louise’s as a community built on togetherness and partnership lived through our mission statement.

St Louise’s, is an all-ability, Centre of Excellence which has been at the forefront of education since 1958. It is a unique school with a long tradition of excellence and service to the community. As a recognised centre of excellence, we strive tirelessly to nurture the gifts of all young people in a community passionate about social justice, equality of opportunity and compassionate pastoral care. We are truly inclusive, in that we welcome and value all young people equally and ensure that all students are liberated to achieve their potential through high quality learning and teaching.

In 2006, we were one of the first twelve Specialist Colleges in Northern Ireland. This designation as a specialist school recognised our commitment to excellence and our success in promoting achievement, not only in our chosen area of Performing Arts and Media, but across all areas of school life. Our commitment to excellence is evident throughout our website.

We have an outstanding examination record and in 2013, we were ranked the top, non-selective school in the North at 5A* – C and have been the highest performing Belfast school for several years in a row. At ‘A’Level, our value added scores have placed us in the top ten percent of schools across Britain for several years in succession. We are one of the few schools in Northern Ireland which already offers many more courses than the minimum required under the Entitlement Framework.

As one of the only schools which has City and Guilds affiliation, we offer quality technical and vocational courses alongside our huge suite of academic subjects. As you browse our website, you will get a further insight into our high quality learning pathways and excellent careers advice as well as outstanding Leadership Opportunities. These opportunities equip our students to take their place in today’s society and will allow them to play a key role in future society not only in Northern Ireland but at a global level.

St Louise’s, however, is about more than qualifications and outstanding results. As a Catholic, Vincentian College whose motto is ‘Excellence through Caring’, we work tirelessly to ensure that each student is valued and appreciates his or her own worth as a person and respects others. Our young people are nurtured in a supportive, caring faith community which develops their emotional intelligence as well as the moral and spiritual values essential to growth as a young Catholic and leader in society. Throughout our website you will see the foundations on which our Vincentian College is built following in the footsteps of our patrons St Louise de Marillac and St Vincent de Paul. The notion of service is a cornerstone of our Vincentian school and it is inspirational to see how our young people are reaching out to their communities and the less advantaged.

St Louise’s is, above all else, a happy school, a place where students are expected to work hard, where staff go the ‘extra mile’ and where all experience friendship, enrichment and fun. Recognising that all young people have different talents we provide numerous opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. The best way to sample the variety is to visit this section on our website.

A visit would not be complete without accessing the past pupils section where you can find former friends. Indeed this section reveals that young women from St Louise’s are leaders in many different fields throughout the world.

In 2014, we were awarded by the Northern Ireland Hospice the ‘Most Inspirational School Award’ – St Louise’s is indeed, an inspirational school with inspirational students, staff, parents and outstanding community involvement. I hope that as you browse our site you see why we are truly inspirational.

Finally, since 1958 St Louise’s has always been at the forefront of education in Northern Ireland. I trust that you will be inspired by the ways in which we are planning for the future to ensure that all our students have the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to be leaders of tomorrow.

Mary McHenry

St. Louise’s is a nurturing and inclusive centre of excellence, which empowers each student to achieve their aspirations and fulfil their potential, within a Catholic, Vincentian, Comprehensive ethos
Our Mission Statement

Important School Dates

View all our important school dates for holidays, exams and more
  • Student School Day
    January 10, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 13, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 14, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 15, 2025
  • Student School Day
    January 16, 2025
St. Louise’s is a nurturing and inclusive centre of excellence, which empowers each student to achieve their aspirations and fulfil their potential, within a Catholic, Vincentian, Comprehensive ethos

Our Mission Statement

Our News


FAO Primary 7 Parents

Principal, Miss Mary McHenry and Assistant Principal, Mrs Ellen Smyth will be available on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm to take calls regarding admission queries. Please contact us on the school number: 02890325631

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468 Falls Road,
Belfast, BT12 6EN
028 9032 5631

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